
Contact Us

You can contact us by phone (705-368-3333) or by email using the form below.  We will review your legal issue with you to determine if we can help you or refer you to other available services or resources.

    Web or email transmissions to Manitoulin Legal Clinic (MLC), or to any member of our clinic, do not create a solicitor-client relationship. No professional relationship is created by viewing this website or sending an email or web inquiry. Individuals do not become clients unless and until MLC agrees to act for them and that agreement is confirmed in a retainer agreement or retainer letter in accordance with our usual policies and practices.

    Manitoulin Legal Clinic

    12 A Hillside Road
    Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation
    Little Current, ON P0P1K0

    Phone: (705) 368-3333

    Fax: (705) 368-3712

    Our office is located on Aundeck Omni Kaning (AOK) First Nation. Turn on to Hill Street from Hwy 540. We are located between the AOK Band Office and the Naandwegamik Health Centre.