
Financial Eligibility

Financial Eligibility:  Who qualifies for our services?

  • People whose issues are within the areas of law practiced by the Clinic, and
  • whose income and assets are within the guidelines set by Legal Aid Ontario for representation.

* Financial eligibility is not considered when legal staff provide only summary advice.

If your main source of family income is one of the following, then you qualify financially for our services:

  • Ontario Works (OW)
  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
  • Old Age Security Pension with Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • War Veterans’ Allowance
  • Canada Pension Plan
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

If you have another source of family income, your financial eligibility will be assessed based on family size, family income, assets, as well as other discretionary factors.

You can own a home and still qualify for our services; your home will not be subject to a lien.