
Abuse and Family Violence


We do not provide legal assistance with abuse and family violence issues. Please contact Legal Aid Ontario at 1-800-668-8258 or visit their website for help with family violence issues.

We can provide a referral voucher for a Legal Aid Ontario program that provides two hours of free legal advice from a lawyer for domestic violence survivors in Ontario who need immediate advice and assistance in relation to family law and immigration and refugee law matters. There is no financial eligibility requirement. People who are experiencing domestic violence are eligible for up to five two‑hour authorizations in a year (one per legal issue).

Here are some other resources:

Manitoulin Family Resources:

24 Hour Crisis Line: 705-377-5160 or Toll Free 1-800-465-6788

Haven House Shelter: safe emergency accommodation to all self-identified women 16 years of age and older, with or without dependents, who experience or are at risk of experiencing violence and/or abuse.

Sexual and Domestic Violence Services – Ka Naad Maa Go

Tel: (705) 368-1369

Services may also be requested at either hospital emergency room in Mindemoya or Little Current.

Manitoulin North Shore Victim Services

Reach out if you require our services, we accept self-referrals and are ready to help.


Phone: 705-370-3378 or Toll-free: 1-866-392-7733

54 Boosneck Road, P.O. Box 702, Little Current, ON P0P 1K0

Mnidoo Mnising Mental Wellness Crisis Response Team 1-705-348-1937

Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 |

Rise above Risk:

A Risk Identification & Safety Assessment Portal providing front-line service providers with a holistic approach to risk identification and safety planning with survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) or those at risk of violence.

Anishnabek Resource for Women Leaving Shelters

The Anishinabek Nation’s Nshiimenhiig (My Sisters Toolkit) is for women and girls leaving shelters and returning to their communities after experiencing intimate partner violence. It focuses on empowering them, promoting leadership, and developing culturally relevant and community-based solutions to violence.

You can also call 211 from any phone in Ontario to be connected with social services in your community.

The Steps to Justice website offers step-by-step information about abuse, family violence and other common legal problems.